弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页

Accepting the International Offer of Admission


To accept the offer, submit your $400 enrollment deposit hrough your 申请人门户 在你录取通知书上的日期之前. 截止日期 提早行动 和 常规的决定 接受它 2023年5月1日.


You can pay by 电子支票 from your checking account, by the date indicated in your offer letter. 以支票付款:

  • 参观 应用程序状态 页面
  • log in with the email address 和 password you used to set up your guest account
  • 点击“申请资料”
  • select the link under Admission Term (e.g. “2023年秋季学期″)
  • follow the on-screen directions to pay by 电子支票

电子支票 文档 可以在网上找到.

你可以使用 Flywire.

For questions regarding wire payments, please contact the 大学财务主管 电话(540-231-6277)或电邮(bursar@sh-fyz.com).

For questions regarding all other payments, please contact the 本科招生办公室 by phone (540-231-6267) or email (admissions@sh-fyz.com)


Payments must be postmarked, by the date indicated in your offer packet. 你必须包括一个完整的 反应形式 (PDF) 和 your check should include your student ID number (which is included in the offer letter).Checks should be made payable to Treasurer, 弗吉尼亚理工大学. 邮寄付款至:



Finding things you need to be a part of the community is a lot easier with OneCampus. 访问 this site for forms, 门户网站 entries, 和 more.


Once your enrollment deposit has been processed, you will receive an email in 48-72 hours to create your VT Username.


You will need these items when creating your 弗吉尼亚理工大学 username, as well as throughout the process of becoming a student at 弗吉尼亚理工大学.


Check Out The 克兰韦尔国际中心

请查看 克兰韦尔国际中心 to find out more about support available for international students. 电子邮件: international@sh-fyz.com


  • Check your 弗吉尼亚理工大学 email for important class registration 和 Orientation information.
  • 看看 弗吉尼亚理工大学夏季开学.
  • Register yourself 和 your family for Orientation. 登记 三月中开放.
  • Consider applying to live in the global livinglearning program called Mozaiko


  • Remember to obtain final high school transcripts. Bring those with you before classes in 8月. For information about AP, IB, 和 CLEP tests, visit OneCampus 然后搜索“成绩单”.”


  • 让你的家人报名参加 Hokie家庭新闻.
  • 参加暑期开学(如果适用).
  • 注意学费账单通知.


  • 交秋季学费.
  • Move into your new 首页 away from 首页! Get assistance from Hokie Helpers in the blue shirts.
  • Attend International Student Orientation 和 register for classes. Bring registered family members to Family Program.
  • 类开始! View ongoing dates 和 deadlines on the 注册的网站.
  • Participate in Hokie Hi 和 Welcome Week activities.


Send final official transcripts of all high school work, as well as a final college transcript reflecting dual enrollment credit (if applicable), through the spring term so that it is received by the 本科招生办公室 before your scheduled summer orientation session. If we do not receive your final high school transcript(s) by 8月 1, we will not have confirmation that you met admissions requirements 和, 结果是, your offer will be rescinded 和 you will be unable to attend. Attendance at summer orientation 和 registration for fall courses does not exempt you from this requirement.

If you are an international student living abroad 和 your transcripts cannot be sent in time to arrive by the deadline, you may bring your sealed official transcripts with you when you arrive on campus in 8月 without penalty. Please bring your transcripts to the 本科招生办公室 located at the 游客 & 本科招生中心 只要你办理登机手续.

In order to receive credit through Advanced Placement (AP) or the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, you must have your AP or IB examination scores sent electronically, 通过适当的测试服务, to:
